PLACEBO© Group Therapy (4-PACK)


The perfect pack for small gatherings, casual hangouts, or after-work wind-downs. Inside the box, find 4 cans of Dr. Blues’ Placebo©. DR BLUES Healthy Brews Placebo™ is a non-alcoholic (0.0%) refreshing therapy, with a taste like freshly squeezed ginger, balanced with just the right amount of sweetness and tartness to complement the spice.


It offers good balance, a great mouthfeel, and uses a sticky web of hoppy flavor to fill out its body. With 0.0% alcohol, it’s the perfect low-calorie refreshment that eliminates the craving for alcoholic beer while still delivering full flavor. Perfect for light, guilt-free refreshment at smaller events or for trying out new flavors.


All phrases and names suggestive of therapy are used in a fictitious manner.

"No level of alcohol consumption improves health."

The Lancet 2018, 392; 987-988.