LUXURY VIP GIFT BOX (4 Bottles + Glass)


Looking for a perfect gift for the beer connoisseur? If the answer is yes, then the LUXURY VIP GIFT BOX (4 Bottles + Glass) is the perfect prescription. Make your custom combination choice between the hoppy, balanced NerveBlock; the mighty, robust PainKiller; the refreshing, floral SuperPills™; and the lightest, well-balanced PaceMaker. DR BLUES’ fabled glass with Emily also included. For special occasions only!

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All phrases and names suggestive of therapy are used in a fictitious manner.

"No level of alcohol consumption improves health."

The Lancet 2018, 392; 987-988.

Additional information

Weight 2.8 kg
Dimensions 34.6 × 28.4 × 10 cm